Website Error Finder - Find broken webpages with errors, images, css and more

Website Error Finder is a 100% free desktop application that scans your website looking for webpages that result in an error when loaded such as 404, 500 errors. It also checks if images, css and js files can be downloaded. You simply download it, open the main application file, enter your website and click start. It will load each webpage webpage on your website and check if this results in a server error. If the page loads successfully it will then check if the CSS, images and JavaScript files can all be downloaded successfully.

The application also allows for checking of common error messages in the pages content such as "please try again later". This list is editable. So if you have a certain error message being displayed on some of your webpages you can scan your entire website for it. As the application is scanning your website it will report any errors it finds by their location and error type. Once the scan is complete you can export the results for further investigation.

Website Error Finder video tutorial and demo
