Bloated Image Finder - Check Your Entire Website For Large Images

Bloated image finder is a 100% free desktop application that scans your website looking for webpages that may contain images that are larger than they need to be. Search by resolution, file size and image format. You simply download it, open the main application file, enter your website and click start. It will find the images on each webpage that are over the specified size or match large file formats.

You can spcify the size of the image by its total resolution or its file size. For example all images over 2000x1000 pixels or all files over 200kb. The application will also check if any of your websites images match the format of known formats that are often quite large due to being raw formats such as .bmp or .raw.

Page load time is an important factor to consider when weighing the SEO value of your site. Using large images affects the user experience and image SEO, and it will cause Google to penalize your website ranking. You could be damaging your site speed if you upload images that are unnecessarily large. Let’s face it, your users will get frustrated if pages on your site take too long to load.

What matters most is the actual file size (in Kb) of the images themselves: always strive to save them under 100Kb or less whenever possible. If a larger file size must be used above the fold (for hero or banner images for instance), it can help to save images as progressive JPGs where images can start progressively displaying as they are being loaded (a blurry version of the full image first appears and gradually sharpens as more bytes are downloaded). So start by selecting the best format for your needs and then select the best settings for those!
